Sell quickly & safely

Simply fill out the submission form and send your designer items to us securely. Once we receive them, we will carefully check the items, send you your offer and pay you quickly and easily.
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Direct purchase

We buy your preloved designer goods directly and easily.

Send free of charge

Shipping to us is free and insured.

Fast payout

Do you agree with our offer? Great, we will pay you your money quickly.

No obligation & risk

If you are not satisfied with the purchase offer, we will send your items back to you free of charge!

“I have been a customer for 8 years and always receive a warm welcome in the shop. Even when I send the goods by post, everything has always worked out great. My top address for second-hand goods.”

Desiree C.

Buddy&Selly client

Discover our stores in Hamburg, Berlin, Düsseldorf and Vienna

You can bring your items to us in person and have our experienced purchasing team make you an offer directly on site
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Convenient VIP purchase service: exclusive and uncomplicated

Use our VIP purchase service for your well-preserved luxury items. Simple processing directly at your home in Berlin, Hamburg and Vienna.
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Find out how much your designer pieces are worth

Find out how our purchase prices for your designer items are determined using transparent valuation criteria and examples.
Our prices